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Terms & Conditions


About  Premades: 


Even when is a premade, is considered exclusive towards each client.  


When you purchase a premade cover by me, it means that you like the design. Color and Title changes have no additional cost. If the changes are really minimal, neither.


If you would like changes beyond the title and colours, an additional cost may apply and this will be agreed before purchasing. It will include one round of changes .  If there are more changes,  some charges could apply . We can reach an agreement, as if it were a custom cover.


 By you completing the purchase, it means that you understand the design is final. 


If you like one style  but you think a lot of  elements don't match your story, you should  consider a custom cover with the same style.


There are no refunds for pre-made covers.


- About Refunds 

If  you want me to do a custom cover for you, it means you like my work, so I give 100% satisfaction guarantee. I am  committed to  deliver the  cover you want, so, I will work with you to in every step so  you're finally satisfied with your cover.  


That said, the following applies:


Client understands that refunds are only given before start of the work project. Any cancellation notice after the starting of the project, will void the deposit given. This is to cover the resources and time required during the project until the time of cancellation.


Once a cover is customized to your needs, it results in you having material that cannot be sold to anyone else.


 I will not release finished files to the client or other parties until full payment has been received. The final payment is also final approval of the project.



-Do you sell a premade more than once?

No, once you buy a premade  is not sold to anyone else and is marked as SOLD on my web page and social media.  They are not templates. Each cover is unique and it is sold only once.


-How many  revisions I have?

Revisions for custom are unlimited but you have five rounds of changes.  You can change everything you want on these rounds. 


 If you decide to change the whole concept, halfway through the process, some additional charge may be apply. After you declare that you are finally happy with the cover and the files have been sent, changes have an additional cost.


-What is included in my purchase?

- A jpg file in HQ (6X9 inches, 300 ppp) (Ebook)

-A png file with 1 3D mock-up.


If you buy a full jacket:

- A jpg file in HQ (6X9 inches, 300 ppp) (Ebook)

- A jpg file full jacket design in HQ ( 300 ppp. 

-A  paperback template in pdf.

-Png files with 2 3D mock-up.


f you want the tittle in a separate layer  I will send it to you no additional cost. f you want a diffferent  format, let me know and sure I will help you.



- About License:

All images licensed by a third-party are for materials of up to 500,000 copies in digital or print , including product packaging, with less than 500K total prints. Yosbe Design retains the right to use client’s final book cover design, name, and book title in my portfolio and to market and promote my services. 



-Restrictions on Rights to Use

The client understands that  has no right to alter the final cover design in any way except to change size for printing or digital display. If the client desires any alterations,  will ask me . The client understands that additional payments may be required to make these alterations. You can use the cover  whatever material promotion you want, just not alter the design as it is.


I dont not send the editable photoshop file  for any reason. 


-About Cover Reveal:

I will reveal the cover just after the author has done it before.


-About Acknowledgment: 
Although the client has no obligation to give acknowledgment, it will be very appreciated if you include the following in your ebooks or/and printed version:


Cover Art by Yosbe Design


-About AI:

I don't use any AI  tool to create my covers 


It is my knowledge that some stock creators who improve their own stocks with AI. In that case I will have the responsibility to inform the client and you will be free to reject it or not.


You can request the link of the stocks to use BEFORE designing  the mock.up (I normally do this anyway) or purchasing a premade cover. 


-About if you have a  follow up book: 

If you have in mind to make a sequel, my prices are cheaper for second pieces since there is already an established graphic line. Contact me for more information about special and custom pricing.


-About time:

If the Client places the Project on hold for a period exceeding six (6) months, the Client shall pay the remaining 50% of the total project fee prior to the Designer resuming work on the Project. This clause is intended to safeguard the Designer’s interests and ensure timely compensation for services rendered, particularly in instances where the Client may delay the project indefinitely.



Any other question? Let me know! I won't bite! :)








 For a  budget for custom covers, send an email to


Within the message, I need a summary of what you want, just so that I understand and stipulate a price:


* Do you want e-book and / or printed?
* What's the  genre of the book (fantasy, romance, suspense)
* Will it be a series or a standalone?
*What is the deadline for delivery of this project?
* The preferences you have for your cover:  Objects, with caracthers, minimalist, etc.

*If you already have a stock for your cover.

*If you have a low budget and/or if you just want free commercial stock.

*Short Summary of the book


If you're happy with the budget, the payment should be 50% upfront to start the design.  I will send you the drafts and it will not take more than two weeks and after your approval  I will finish the final design after the remaining 50%  of payment  is done.  


During the creation process I send a preview of the art in progress, in case you are not happy with the first test, I create a second test cover and we're going from there until you're happy with the result.


I like to  dedicate time and effort to my designs, so my goal is to make the best cover until you're finally satisfied.  


After receiving the final cover with the info you sent, each new update will require an additional fee of $10 to be paid upfront, so be sure the title and blurb you provided is final. If you don't have the final blurb or title, no worries, I will send the art with blank space and I will customize it later, no additional cost. 



-If you want  templates for prints,  you should provide the final count page, trim size and color page and blurb.  Please, be sure  this information is  the final one.   Each new update of text or graphics will require an additional fee  to be paid upfront.


If the trim size or count page changes, the templates changes, so I have to adapt the design again to this new template. If you need a new template additional fees may apply.   


​ I do not send  the photoshop file of  the project. 



If you don't have title, back text , trim size,  but you want to buy the cover, no worries, there is not time frame,  you can send it whenever you're ready. I will send the clean art anyway.



How I  work

snake and roses_art_edited.jpg


Custom covers with symbols or objects from $230
Custom covers with characters from $300
Full Jacket Design​: $35 (Includes a paperback template for print)

Digital Spray Edges : $35
Hardback Template: +$25 
Dust Jacket Template:+$40

Typography: $30 
 Audio Covers: (Square Format) $40


This is a reference, the price may change depending on the difficulty of the design to be made, which is why you should send an email to give you an exact quote for your project.  

SAD PANCAKE_edited.jpg

Payment Methods


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